The 28-Day Nervous System Reset:


How to reduce anxiety, overwhelm + indecision
WITHOUT relying on expensive + time consuming therapies
or a life of self-medicating

with the Neuro-Business Mastery BONUS!


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Enroll in the 28-day Nervous System Reset AND get...

Neuro-Business Mastery BONUS

A 90-minute exploration of the science and theory behind WHY the nervous system is the root of all behavior, yes even in your business. Includes over 15+ deck, your learning platform with reflection questions that support a deeper understanding, and a comprehensive neuro-business mastery workbook.

What the bonus includes...

  • In-depth knowledge of how the nervous system affects your business
  • Clarity around what makes you feel unsafe in your business
  • Understand what makes you feel unsafe in your business
  • Creating a roadmap that supports your homeostasis so you cannot just survive but thrive with whatever your business and or LIFE throws at you.

Anxiety, overwhelm + indecision, are a product of a dysregulated nervous system and impact your your business.

> Suffering from Chronic Health Conditions

can be exasperated by unresolved stress and it can be more challenging to communicate your health needs to others or allocate time and energy resources to making money and taking care of your family.

A healthy nervous system supports brain function, emotional stability, and the body's ability to rest and recover.

> Difficulties with Decision Making

can be a constant struggle. It's important to operate at your full potential both mentally and emotionally, so you can make decisions confidently even in highly complex situations and without always waiting for perfect clarity.

A healthy nervous system allows you to TRUST yourself and be more flexible in dealing with whatever comes.

> Stuck in Unfulfilling Patterns

will feel like a never-ending challenge as a dysregulated nervous system makes it harder to become aware of behaviors that no longer serve you. When your nervous system feels vulnerable, change is nearly impossible.

A healthy nervous system is the beginning of creating the awareness that creates new habits.

This is exactly why Chantill and Anne created the

28-day Nervous System Reset,

so you can discover how to consistently support your unique nervous system with easy and accessible practices that lead to the health, emotional stability, and full life you desire.

Why do this work...

Do This for Yourself

It's time to transform your nervous system from

FLEXIBLE, ROBUST, and ABLE TO QUICKLY RECOVER from life and work’s most demanding challenges and painful experiences SO...

You can be more FULLY PRESENT for yourself, your life and others, AND create the EASE and HEALTH you desire!

You change me and I change you. That's the way of the NS. Let's start changing the world.

Do This for You Clients

This incredible work is truly transformative for anyone working in education, coaching, or running a business.

According to Dr. Stephen Porges, creator of the Polyvagal Theory, "The nervous system is the root of all behavior."

And we've found it to be true again and again. When we feel safe, calm, and centered we LEARN BETTER, RELEASE OLD PATTERNS of doing and thinking more easily, and EMBRACE OUR POTENTIAL more quickly.

WHO this work impacts...

Coaches: Finally break through to your most challenging and stuck clients who exhaust you and wear you down. Be able to identify when YOU are triggered and when THEY are mired in a trauma response that is preventing them from receiving the amazing coaching you have to offer.

Leaders: Understand how your nervous system changes the nervous system of everyone you engage with, physiologically + unconsciously, and can keep your programs and projects heavy and derailed, and your team unmotivated, on edge, and lacking impact.

Teachers + Educators: Reinvigorate your teaching by learning how a triggered and unsafe (fight or flight) nervous system impacts learning, listening, collaboration, and long term growth and how to shift your students into a place of openness, motivation, inspiration, AND create the change you’re committed to.

Entrepreneurs: Discover the strategies to create more ease and flow in the way you approach and design your work. Build your teams with an awareness of how to foster safe and highly productive communication and promote retention (in your team and clientele), and navigate conflict more smoothly.

Parents + Caregivers: Nurture your nervous system so you can recover more quickly to the demands of those who depend on you. Learn the strategy of “rupture and repair” so that even the most difficult situations become an opportunity for growth and greater meaning in your relationships. 

Social Justice Advocates + Those who Serve Underprivileged Populations: Experience the power of creating healthy space between you and those you long to serve AND tapping a deeper well of service without the typical high cost of the work. Learn to listen to your nervous system so you can enter difficult or even violent situations with responsiveness and wisdom.



Nurture Yourself

How to significantly improve both the health of your nervous system AND your nervous system awareness…So you FEEL BETTER, can MAKE BETTER DECISIONS, and have more mental, emotional, and physical stamina and flexibility.


Powerful Self-Assessment Tools to Get YOU Unstuck

How to assess your nervous system state at any given moment and the tools to bring it back to a healthy, flexible, and safe state.


Practical Strategies to Support Behavior Change

How to lay the foundation for BEHAVIOR CHANGE in yourself working through the brain and nervous system first, so you are empowered with the tools to make moment-by-moment changes even when you’re on your own! This is also the KEY to better RETENTION and more consistent client outcomes and profits in your business.


Elevate Your Skill, Optimize Your Knowledge (5 CECs available)

If you're a practitioner...How to identify what your clients’ nervous systems need to improve success, break through limiting beliefs, and shift patterns so they can reach their goals more consistently and you BOTH feel more at ease in the work. This is how you get more out of the skills you already have! This is how you get more from YOURSELF, too!

We'll be offering 5 CECs through NPCP


Integration + Implementation

How to integrate this powerful work into your coaching, leading, teaching + business development in a powerful and measured way that supports curiosity and growth and the culture you’ve already created


Client Assessment Tools to Get THEM Unstuck (for professionals)

If you're a professional looking to take these practices into your work, we have ready-to-use tools for you to begin. Learn how to assess and improve your students’ nervous system + brains for optimized learning, safety, and engagement so so they can move past unconscious “trauma responses” and roadblocks that are preventing them from even receiving your coaching and teaching. (Let alone achieve their goals)


Tami Lysher Nervous System Testimonial

Tami Lysher

Studio T Pilates

Trauma-Informed Movement

"The NS work has first impacted my personal practice by slowing me down, connecting me internally to how I feel. I have taken this same approach with my students both virtually and in the studio. One of my students in the studio came to me, asking to start every private session with NS work. She was able to calm her breathing + focus on connecting with her body on the reformer in a new way that has dramatically improved her movement patterns off of the reformer."

Orly Pilates Nervous System Work

Orly Shachman

Thrive Pilates, MA

"The nervous system work with Chantill has made me curious and opened my eyes to the infinite possibilities of what is going on beneath the surface that I have not been able to touch in my teachings so far; about things I have sensed in people but not been able to put a physical finger on."

WHY this work MATTERS...

We all want to understand ourselves better. As humans we are driven by an underlying and potent urge to make connections within ourselves and with our environment, to be able to examine and respond more wisely to inner and outer influences. AND to create more powerful and positive change on others.

The current magnitude of our ability to do this scientifically is staggering and affords us a chance to unravel the biological evolution of the brain in relationship to how our characters are shaped with regard to emotions, communication, attachment, and self-regulation.

The nervous system is not only the key to navigating life healthfully for ourselves, but improving relationships, our ability to make decisions, learn and grow, AND impart critical, long-lasting change in the clients, patients, students, partners, team members, and family we are committed to serving.


Pay in Full Today!

A month of grounding and illuminating practice and skill building that will change how you navigate stress, overwhelm and life's challenges AND help you expand more safety to more aspects of your experience.

Click the button below to get yourself enrolled hassle-free today.


Neuro Business Mastery

For only $555

Sign me up


Split into TWO Payments

We know that this time of year can be tricky on our resources and we always want to make this incredible work accessible.

Get all the perks + the Neuro Business Mastery with a whole lot of ease!

Two payments of $297

(make your first payment today and your next one on Jan. 4th)

What you get in the 28 Day Nervous System Reset Program:

  • 5 Group Coaching Calls w/trained NS Integration Facilitators
  • A private community forum for accountability + ongoing support
  • Ready to use NS practices for any level of distress + health
  • Resources for professionals to integrate NS work directly into what they already do
  • 4 CECs

There's No One Like Us

With a collective 40+ years of teaching, studio ownership, traveling the world teaching teachers, creating podcasts, writing books, presenting top-notch research, designing in-person and online continuing education, developing mentorship programs and MUCH MORE, we bring to the table an UNPRECEDENTED combination of science, craft, experience, and business prowess that no one else in the industry has.

We reach beyond technique, offer more than great business strategy, and elevate you and your students to be experts in teaching + learning.

Meet Chantill

Your lead facilitator

Chantill started her professional life as a journalist and quickly moved into the realm of movement education where she has stayed for more than 20 years as an entrepreneur and studio owner. Her extensive studies have led her to become one of the top experts in applying Nervous System work to movement + behavior change in the areas of education, business development, and personal growth. She is an innovator, international educator and presenter, mentor, and coach whose passion is supporting people in creating whole-person health that is sustainable across all areas of their lives.

She has studied directly with Polyvagal Theory creator, Stephen Porges, and leading NS expert Deb Dana. She work draws from brain-based learning frameworks, motivation and communication science, somatic and humanistic psychology, and other emerging models. She is also the founder and creator of the Nervous System Integration Facilitator Certification Program.

Meet Anne EdM

Anne Bishop opened her Pilates studio in 2002. Her love of movement education led her to pursue a graduate degree from Harvard University with a Master’s Degree in Mind, Brain, and Education. She co-created The Master’s Program with Chantill Lopez because she wanted to teach others what she felt was missing in mind-body education: brain science, educational best practices, and solid pedagogy.  When you combine this with a killer business model you can leverage your talents as a Pilates teacher to bring your ideas to life. 

Now Anne’s focus is on supporting other movement teachers to create 6-figure incomes through body + behavior transformation.